Build Image

You can build the Docker image yourself from source.

First, clone the repository:

1git clone

Make sure to recursively populate submodules:

1cd workflowfm-composer/
2git submodule update --init --recursive --depth 1

Then build the image with the provided Dockerfile:

1docker build -t composer-server .

Then run a container using:

1docker run -p 7000:7000 --name workflowfm-server --detach composer-server
  • The name workflowfm-server is optional and can be changed to whatever you want your server container to be named.
  • The port can also be bound to a different system port, e.g. using -p 9000:7000 to bind it to port 9000.
The container may take a few minutes to fully start!

This is because it loads HOL Light and the WorkflowFM Reasoner from scratch. You can follow progress using:

1docker logs --follow workflowfm-server