Main Types

Linear Propositions



Linear terms are either:

  1. atoms
  2. subterms connected by tensor or plus
  3. negations of terms


  • type: string = "var" | "neg" | "times" | "plus"
  • name: string = the name of the atom if type = "var", otherwise ignored
  • args: array of linprop = the list of arguments if type is neg, times or plus, otherwise ignored. Binary operators times and plus can have more than 2 arguments, in which case they are applied in a right associative way

Annotated terms



Annotated terms are linear propositional terms annotated with a channel.


Composition actions



Composition actions describe a binary combination of 2 labelled processes.


  • act: string = the type of composition, currently "JOIN" | "TENSOR" | "WITH" for sequential, parallel, and conditional composition respectively
  • larg: string = the name of the first (or "left") component process
  • lsel: string = a string describing some relevant part of the left process component. This is different depending on the action type.
  • rarg: string = the name of the second (or "right") component process
  • rsel: string = a string describing some relevant part of the right process component. This is different depending on the action type.
  • res: string = the desired label for the resulting composition




Provenance trees are used to determine the origin of each linear proposition in an input or output term.


  • type: string = "source" | "times" | "plus"
  • name: string = the provenance label if type = "source", otherwise ignored
  • args: array of prov = the list of arguments if type is times or plus, otherwise ignored. Binary operators times and plus can have more than 2 arguments, in which case they are applied in a right associative way

Provenance entries

prov_entry and iprov_entry


Provenance info is kept in the actionstate. Provenance entries associate a provenance tree to the output (prov_entry) or input (iprov_entry) it corresponds to. Output provenance is associated with a process label whose output it describes. Input provenance is associated with an available input term.



  • name: string = the name/label of the process whose output we are describing
  • prov: prov = the corresponding provenance tree


  • term: linprop = the (non-negated) linear term of the input we are describing
  • prov: prov = the corresponding provenance tree




The actionstate is used to convey state info to the prover and retrieve proof metadata afterwards.


  • label: string = a unique label identifying the composite process under contruction
  • ctr: int = a non-negative counter used to keep variables fresh. Expected to be initialized to 0.
  • buffered: array of linprop = the types of buffers that were constructed during proof. This used to be the way to determine buffered edges in the frontend, but is now obsolete thanks to the provenance trees.
  • joined: array of linterm = the inputs that were used up/connected during a JOIN action.
  • iprov: array of iprov_entry = input povenance entries
  • prov: array of prov_entry = output provenance entries



An agent refers to a π-calculus definition corresponding to a process specification. Currently this is just a string, but we have plans to adopt a more structured representation in the near future.




The complete specification of a process.


  • name: string = a name/label for the process
  • inputs: array of linterm
  • output: linterm
  • prov: prov = the output provenance
  • proc: agent = the pi-calculus specification
  • actions: array of action = a list of composition actions that construct this process. Empty if the process is atomic.
  • copier: bool = true if the prover determines this to be a copy node
  • intermediate: bool = true if this is an intermediate composition step (as opposed to an atomic process or completed composition)