
Configuration values are stored in a .workflowfm directory at the user's home directory, defaulting in the file.

It is not necessary to explicitly set any of these configuration parameters, but it is possible to tweak the behaviour of the client in some ways if desired.

  • You can manually set parameters in the configuration file following the standard .properties file format, variable = value.
  • You can also create a custom property file to be used instead of the default file. Simply pass the file path as an argument when starting the client.

Some values may be changed through the use of the interface and will be overwritten in the file. These are marked in the Auto column below.

Parameter nameTypeDescriptionDefaultAuto
processNodeWidth *IntegerThe pixel width of the process vertex.120
processNodeHeightIntegerThe pixel height of the process vertex.40
processNodeAutoResizeBooleanIf true the width of process vertices is resized to fit their label.true
processCopierNodeRadiusIntegerThe pixel radius of the copier node vertex.15
interHierarcySpacingIntegerThe vertical distance between 2 separate process graphs.40
interRankCellSpacingIntegerThe horizontal distance between 2 vertices of the same process graph.110
atomicProcessColourString (hex colour)The colour of an atomic process vertex.#BBDEFB
compositeProcessColourString (hex colour)The colour of a composite process vertex.#64B5F6
portEdgeColourString (hex colour)The colour of a resource vertex.atomicProcessColour
edgeColourString (hex colour)The colour of a solid edge.#686868
bufferColour **String (hex colour)The colour of a buffer edge.#686868
hoverHighlightColourString (hex colour)The colour used to highlight matching resource vertices when hovering above one.#F78400
selectHighlightColourString (hex colour)The colour used to highlight selected vertices.#33691E
proofScriptDirectoryString (directory)The default directory for opening files../proofs/
a green checkmark
imageDirectoryString (directory)The default directory for storing screenshots.proofScriptDirectory
a green checkmark
frameWidthIntegerThe width of the UI window. (Attempts to resize to that on start.)1000
a green checkmark
frameHeightIntegerThe height of the UI window. (Attempts to resize to that on start.)1000
a green checkmark
deployStatefulBooleanThe default value of the corresponding tick box in the deployment dialog.true
a green checkmark
deployMainBooleanThe default value of the corresponding tick box in the deployment dialog.true
a green checkmark
projectNameStringThe last used project name in the deployment dialog.
a green checkmark
deployPackageNameString (Scala package)The last used package name in the deployment
a green checkmark
deployFolderString (directory)The last used target directory in the deployment dialog../
a green checkmark
serverString (host/IP)The last used server host/IP.localhost
a green checkmark
portInteger (port)The last used server port.7000
a green checkmark
serverMaxAttemptsIntegerThe maximum number of attempts to reconnect to the server upon failure.10
  • * The value processNodeWidth is unimportant if processNodeAutoResize is true.
  • ** Buffer edges were originally used to represent resources that are not directly connected to a process, but go through the so-called axiom buffers. In more recent versions of the system, we considered this information more confusing than helpful, so we use the same colour for those edges. Moreover, the algorithm that determines which resources are buffered is not always accurate. Because of this, the value bufferColour will be deprecated in future versions. The value of bufferColour should normally be the set to be the same as edgeColour.