
package auto

  1. Alphabetic
  1. Public
  2. All

Type Members

  1. trait AutoCodecProvider extends AutoCodecStore with CodecProvider

    Implements the CodecProvider interface using an AutoCodecStore.

  2. trait AutoCodecRegistry extends AutoCodecStore with CodecRegistry

    Implements the CodecRegistry interface using an AutoCodecStore.

  3. trait AutoCodecRegistryExt extends AutoCodecProvider with CodecRegistry

    Implements both CodecRegistry and CodecProvider interfaces using an AutoCodecStore.

  4. trait AutoCodecStore extends AnyRef

    AutoCodecStore: A mutable.Map which indexes Codecs by the type/class of object they serialise/deserialise.

    AutoCodecStore: A mutable.Map which indexes Codecs by the type/class of object they serialise/deserialise. Used to help implement CodecRegistry and CodecProvider interfaces which having to manually implement the get functionality for each new Codec.

  5. abstract class ClassCodec[T] extends TypedCodec[T]
  6. class SuperclassCodec[T] extends TypedCodec[T]

    A codec consisting of a collection of ClassCodecs of possible subtypes.

    A codec consisting of a collection of ClassCodecs of possible subtypes. - Examines the class name when decoding to defer to the correct ClassCodec for de-serialisation - Uses the value class to defer to the correct ClassCodec for serialisation.

  7. abstract class TypedCodec[T] extends Codec[T]

Value Members

  1. object TypedCodec
